Unique surroundings

The Łańsk holiday resort is located in the heart of the Napiwodzko-Ramucka Forest - a protected area, covered by the Natura 2000 silence zone due to its natural values and the richness of unique flora and fauna.
The "Warmiński Forest" reserve is a natural enclave for people who value peace, quiet and close contact with wild nature. The reserve covers 1,800 ha of virgin area between Lake Łańsk and the village of Rus, in the heart of the Napiwodzko-Ramucka Forest.

The Łańsk center is located on the largest lake in the Olsztyn Lakeland. It has an area of 1050 ha. Its bottom is diversified in terms of depth: from shallow places to the greatest depth of 53 m. There are four islands on Lake Łańsk, with the largest of them a 5 ha barn.
Distance → 57 km
Landscape and geomorphological reserve "Springs of the Łyna River" Prof. R. Kobendzy is located near the villages of Orłowo and Łyna, at the source of the Łyna River. It is a lovely, vast valley with side ravines with steep slopes, where the phenomenon of back erosion occurs.

The Warmiński Forest, in the heart of which Łańsk is located, delights with the richness of vegetation. The ancient trees make a huge impression: the oldest pines are over 200 years old, and some oaks are even 350 years old!
Many species of animals can be found in the vast area of the Łańsk Recreation Center. These are, among others European deer, famous for their handsome antlers, can be heard during the autumn rut. Walking near the Łyna River, we will surely come across intricately constructed dams. Or maybe we will be able to spot their creators - beavers?

We run an apiary on the premises of our Center, from which we collect Hindu honey with a strongly perceptible lime note. You will find out about its wonderful properties, aromatic smell and unique taste when you come to us.