Safe Łańsk - COVID - 19 procedures | Ośrodek Łańsk

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Safe Łańsk - COVID - 19 procedures


Security procedures for counteracting the COVID virus 19
at the Łańsk Recreation Center

1. The reception desk of the Center has a thermometer to measure the temperature, it is available on request.
2. The use of protective masks and gloves by employees of the center.
3. Systematic disinfection of doors, handles, reception desk surface, handrails, terminals, room cards, sofas, armchairs, etc. in the reception lobby.
4. Introducing the limitation of the number of people waiting in the queue at the reception desk in the Center's lobby. Keeping the appropriate distance between the guests in the queue.
5. Limiting the Guest's time at the reception to a minimum.
6. Providing a hand disinfectant for guests in the reception hall.
7. It is strictly forbidden to stay in rooms / houses of unregistered persons.
8. Disinfection of devices, furniture, door handles, fittings, handrails, airing rooms.
9. It is absolutely forbidden to stay in the rooms of people who are not guests of our Center.
10. Providing a liquid for disinfecting hands for guests in the reception hall and in public toilets.
11. Detailed disinfection - once an hour of public areas and toilets.
12. Absolute compliance with work in masks, gloves, protective clothing, frequent disinfection of devices, washing hands, etc. by all employees located in the space where there may be contact with guests
13. Training of employees in the observance of special safety measures and training of all employees of the center
14. Conducting an information campaign for personnel concerning the maintenance of special precautions according to the recommendations of GIS and WHO.
15. Providing a liquid for disinfecting hands for employees - an easily accessible and visible dispenser in the back of the hotel, in changing rooms.
16. Introduction of additional disinfection of common areas of employees - cloakrooms, kitchens, social rooms and warehouses.
17. Staying in rooms, where possible up to 2 people and / or keeping a safe distance.

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